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About sugoge

  • Rank
    Kiwamu's Bitch
  • Birthday 07/27/1986

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  1. No need to be snide lol I like how yall have never been in Japan and are so quick to be like 'but it's a real band!!!' call me when you've studied Japanese for 15 years and been in Japan for four then you can pretend you know what the fuck you're talking about. Goodbye
  2. hiLo's job is design, he does it because he likes it. I went to the concert I think I would know if it's a real band or not. Also the photos promoting the session are from when they were in their respective bands, they are not new. Also I shouldn't have to say this but I am friends with hiLo's mom, like I'm not just some random fan lol. If it's related to NAINE I know what the fuck is going on.
  3. sugoge

    Aw you posted my pic and vids that makes me so happy
  4. This is not a band, it was a one time only session. Sorry to burst everyone's bubbles.
  5. Oddly enough he's pretty fluent and his spoken English is about 100% better than his sung English. I think because of his singing style? Even his Japanese is hard to understand due to how he strings it together.
  6. I only follow one VK band so that's pretty relevant to my answers. 1: Do you buy multiple versions of releases, or buy at all? (Judgement-Free-Zone) I buy all their stuff, but they don't release stuff like A-type/B-type though I have bought two copies of a single to attend two instores. 2: Do you collect cheki or other non-music related items from bands? Yes, I buy cheki every concert, and I've bought wristbands, a towel, and Tshirts. 3: Follow them on Ameblo, Twitter? Follow them on Twitter, don't talk to them though (maaaybe I'll reply if they specifically ask a question like music recommendations which they have done) 4: Would you follow them on the street? I've seen them all at clubs before because the vocalist DJs, so I really have no reason to follow them anywhere, they just hang out? 5: Dig through their trash? (Judgment-Free-Zone) Um, no. 6: Does Visual Kei or other forms of your musical taste influence your style or personal life? Not really, though I frequent a rock bar if that counts as "personal life". 7: Desire to move or visit Japan influenced by music? I live in Japan, and my desire to study Japanese at all was influenced by music. 8: Do you read dirt-sheets of bands, like rumours, gossip, etc...? I follow the tanuki threads for the lulz, though I actually really don't care what the members do in their personal lives 9: Ever fantasize about being friends with band members? (JFZ) Not really? I interact with a lot of people in the music business here, but I don't want to be their friends. Seishirou of SFTS likes chatting with me in English and will buy me drinks though haha 10: Do you want to be in a Visual Kei band (or any other kind of band)? I kind of half-jokingly half-seriously want to be the vocalist of a meth. cover band.
  7. sugoge

    Sorry but I'm not a fucking idiot, thanks https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=%E3%82%AA%E3%82%B5%E3%83%AC%E7%B3%BB&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=fflb&gws_rd=cr
  8. sugoge

    First off it's osare... You would think after all these years someone would finally pick up on that and spread it. And yea I also think it's been replaced by the electronicore-influenced bands who wear Shibuya street-style (though classic osare was always that type of style, like baroque and bis, not the super colorful rainbow messes).
  9. Not in order, but 01. Silhouette from the Skylit 02. EACH OF THE DAYS 03. A GHOST OF FLARE 04. Ashley Scared the Sky 05. ARTEMA 06. Crossfaith 07. Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas 08. coldrain 09. SiM 10. er does BABYMETAL count? The first five I've seen live and plan to keep doing so because they are all awesome.
  10. sugoge

    I will add that it's not so much how big the livehouse is but whether or not they can fill it for a oneman. A lot of no name bands can play big venues during events because everyone knows everyone in VK and they're all friends, so the real deal is playing a sold-out show on your own. If a band never sells out a venue, even a small one, they're probably not going far.
  11. sugoge

    I never said it was your duty as a fan to buy cheki. But let me paint a scenario for you. Say you go to a lot of VK concerts in Japan. You discover a fairly new, very small band and you fall in love with them. After the concert you buy the only single they have. You're happy to have music you like. The band is happy to have a sale. Everyone is happy. You start following the band as much as you can, but every time you go see them you don't buy anything, which is perfectly reasonable. No one is forcing you. But the band only barely breaks even every time they perform. You want new music. The band wants to put out a new single or even a new album but they don't have the funds because they aren't making a profit. So now there's a problem. You can't get the only thing you want: music. Say you still wait it out, you follow them every concert for a year, or maybe even two years. They don't put out any new music. Now what? Is it your responsibility to keep a band alive? No, it's not. But to say the only thing you care about is the music so you're not going to buy merch makes zero goddamn sense. I only care about the music. I don't even like cheki. But I buy them anyway because at least I know that money goes directly into profit and the band can use that money to *gasp* make new music. But considering that some of the bands you are mentioning in this thread aren't small or indies, then I can see why you think cheki are stupid. But don't spread that across the entire scene. They exist for a reason, and bands are grateful when people buy them.
  12. sugoge

    It's quite obvious from this thread who has and hasn't actually been involved in the visual scene lol. I'll also bet that everyone saying cheki are a ripoff are the same people who get just sooo upset when all the random indies bands die off after a year. Bands don't make money off music. It's pretty much a fact. They make money off merch, and actual merch is too expensive to produce for most bands, so cheki is the only viable option. If you *actually* want to support a band you buy their merch. It's not rocket science.
  13. sugoge

    Same as what exactly? Please point out to me the song(s) from AWAKE or BLISS OUT that even remotely sound like this? I'm really tired of the people who say they haven't changed in five years when that obviously isn't the case. Based on the preview I was referring to with that comment, DEAD BLAZE = RING THE DEATH KNELL pt. 2. If you can't hear the similarity, I don't know what to say. Now that the full song is out, I must say it actually is something new, but the chorus is the worst part of it (like many people have already stated). Oh wow so you're actually admitting that people shouldn't make blanket statements about music based on a 30-second preview? You're like so smart.
  14. sugoge

    Same as what exactly? Please point out to me the song(s) from AWAKE or BLISS OUT that even remotely sound like this? I'm really tired of the people who say they haven't changed in five years when that obviously isn't the case.
  15. You're welcome. I know they said something about the Undercode rumors (and then it was true the next day? I think?) Other than that, not a whole lot. I think Yu especially isn't at all interested in VK anymore. Hazuki is apparently doing normal work as a cleaner. Yu said the duo thing was entirely Hazuki's idea haha. I doubt it will become an actual band but I can imagine she'd do vocal work again some time, at least around Shinjuku.
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