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Status Updates posted by nekkichi

  1. Myöhäistä on perzettä räpissellä, kun on paska puksuloissa #you_learn_something_new_everyday

    1. nekkichi


      И?СЕРТЕД. but seriously I just found this twitter posting karelian proverbs w. russian translations — 90 % depressivest read of the week, 10 % pure gold.

  2. any good post-butthurt bands to start this week right?????

    1. nekkichi


      buttwave fans are the worst!!!!! atonal buttstep >>>>>

    2. CAT5


      lmao y'all are silleh

    3. Show next comments  63 more
  3. can't stop cackling compulsively @ nicel shitsinger off nekci menij revival episodes

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      the more the merrier

  4. #ringhtone_ideas #morning_jam
    1. Peace Heavy mk II
    2. CAT5


      LOL. Sounds like she's drunk karaoke'ing her own song

  5. https://soundcloud.com/actuallygrimes/go-1/comments having a two day long endorphin seizure over hating hipster comments
    1. CAT5


      I'm not familiar with Grimes' music in general, but I like this. I think the trap parts are done tastefully too. This is also why avoid comment sections on most sites (last.fm, YT, FB)...as I'm not very keen on killing my braincells lol.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Oh hey, she doesn't sound 12 anymore. Apparently this was originally for Rhianna?

    3. nekkichi


      @ CAT5 it's her most mature track to date, and it's not like I hate her early music (it simply does nothing for me), but I absolutely loathe the green-lipstick hipster crowd she used to attract like a military nano-magnet of sorts. @ Peace yep.

  6. so sad grimes won't make a full album of bops like

    it's like her 1st track I don't find reflux-inducing
    1. Senedjem


      I respect the pride u take in ur lack of taste, nekkichi

    2. nekkichi


      @Senedjem your green "genesis grimes stan" OCC lip tar is nagl

    3. Show next comments  63 more
  7. can we all agree kaya basically saved bijuaru kei (again & again & will do it with F.F. full album later in the year)

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      still waiting on juka's rip off band of hasbeens "Masc Fatal"

  8. ur weave is long and pussy good and amber skin and eyes so green and I can not compete w. u jolene

    1. nekkichi


      (I can not stop humming it for like this whole day. HELP.)

  9. I'm so proud for Wicked Teletubby interviewing Toshiya in Japan https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BewUY_cCAAAVboF.jpg:large

    1. Flash-Fab-Supernova



    2. Tetora


      That guy couldnt look any more metal.

    3. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      wow! one of our own!

    4. Show next comments  63 more
  10. idk if scruffy eastern europeans r your thing, but I assume you'll enjoy placebo bonus videos when they're out

    1. Furik


      im fappin so it must be good

  11. team "we miss onshuu as much as u miss demon android"

  12. gorgeous user icon

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