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About maki.filth

  • Rank
    Kisaki's Errand Boy
  • Birthday 03/01/1989

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    crAkron, OH
  • Interests
    tattoos. musics. sewing. bars. my job. crust punk.

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  1. maki.filth

    Thank you, Pandaaaa~ ;3;
  2. maki.filth

    Soooo I got dreads~ I had a very long debate with myself about whether to get dreads or shave my hair into a death hawk again. Dreads won. Wanted something new~
  3. maki.filth

    I got hmmm a few new ones, but I'm going to share my rabbit. This is another one I did myself. I don't know if any of you have seen Watership Down, but it's one of my favorite animated films/book. So I have the black rabbit of Inle on my arm twice, this is the one I like best. I'm hoping that having him on me will keep death out of my life for awhile. Hopefully.
  4. maki.filth

    Everyone! I'm alive again! Anyone miss my face? No? Cool~ I've been really busy lately and it suuuucks. Hello again world! I'll give you two pictures since it's been forever. Got a new mouth piercing while I've been away too. This is generally how I look now. Enjoy. Good. Bye bye now~ I'll try to be here more often now.
  5. maki.filth

    allisapp, you're so much cuter than Sonny Moore! And please take care of yourself! Lol thanks! It was actually really easy to talk and laugh with it, but eating was a bit strange. When I put it on I made sure to open my mouth really wide so I wouldn't have issues with it pulling my skin or w/e.
  6. maki.filth

    I plan on laying in bed listening to the heavenly sound these studio monitors in my room are producing. Hopefully later on making a big dinner in celebration of Samhain, then possibly the bar or horror movies, but that's nothing new in my house.
  7. maki.filth

    Doe is so cute *O* Here's day 3 of Halloween. For the dress. thatfacialexpressionisterribleandIapologize Thanks to Chianti for the zipper idea! I did bones instead of gore, because I like the way bones look better
  8. maki.filth

    I'm the only silver haired person here aren't I?
  9. maki.filth

    thanks! I love your mardi gras mask! It's so pretty! And don't feel bad, I was completely unprepared this year as well so I'm just throwing whatever together everyday this weekend xD
  10. maki.filth

    Here's what I ended up doing for tonight. I look weird with a wig on and I've never done this kind of make up before. no eyebrows either
  11. maki.filth

    hmmm I might be able to do a rag doll, but I don't have a wig long enough for Sally. I was also thinking of doing something like the links you posted in the Halloween thread with the zipper if I've got one laying around. ;D I was trying to flirt with you thats all.
  12. maki.filth

    aww thank you guys! You're all too precious. I need to figure out what to do for tonight now D:
  13. maki.filth

    Because I celebrate Halloween all weekend long. Today for work is broken dolly, but I had to put on my coat because it's freezing in this bitch. andtoocoldtosmokeoutside.
  14. maki.filth

    Halloween is my favorite time of year! This year is the first time I've ever been unprepared so I have no idea what to do. I do know my friend is having her wedding the day before and it's Halloween themed, I'm also a bridesmaid so I'll probably do undead kodona or something.
  15. maki.filth

    My entire family decided it was a good idea to not tell me my grandfather died on the 28th. I had to find out by skimming over the obituaries in the newspaper (weird hobby of mine) last night. He was 84 so it's not unexpected, what makes me sick is they're asking for donations. This man is a Purple heart Veteran, he gets Veterans funeral benefits, plus he's loaded. What the hell do they need donations for? His benefits plus a tiny bit of his money, and life insurance can cover his funeral. These assholes just want to line their pockets with more money. I just can't comprehend the idea of making money off of someones death. Can I have a divorce from my family?
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