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Status Updates posted by ghost

  1. The more people I meet the less I want to get to know the human race ☠️ 

  2. That spotify velveeta cheese ad is straight up disgusting. It's like spotify wouldn't approve the ad until it was repulsive enough to convince basic users to upgrade to premium. Well played spotify but your tricks won't work on me.

    1. anadentone


      I don't have spotify, but on a scale of teacup kittens to Gary busey how chaotic is it?

    2. ghost


      uhm.....Gary Busey inside a teacup? lol. It's just ok. It tries to throw a lot of curated recommendations at you so it's really bloated. Works well enough for making playlists, but it's somewhat user hostile. For example, on their mobile app you can only play music on shuffle. And they throw in random songs in the queue. 


      It does have a lot of stuff I listen to though and it's pretty good for finding similar artists.  I'll use it for discovering new k-indie.

      The worst part is the ads which are all insufferable.

  3. So uhm, System of A Down is back? With new music????


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ghost


      @Jigsaw9 hahahaa there we have it. I've honestly had no interest in Daron's solo project. Took one listen and just didn't find it interesting.

    3. nekkichi


      lmao @ the nasal first verse, placebo whomst


      it fucking sucks tbh; protect the land is a tad better, but still not it.

    4. suji


      bruh i was hyped to hear they're back but then.....yeah :))) it really does sound like scars on broadway feat. serj tankian. 🤡 it's nothing special but i'll take what i can get

  4. Anybody watch the new Juon Netflix series? Surprisingly really good.

  5. Anyone take a listen to the new Boris album? It's not half bad.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Joel


      They've been a band for 28 years and constantly pump out material yet nearly all of it is top notch. I don't know how they do it but they're one of the few bands that still amaze me.

    3. ghost


      @The Reverend - Yeah, certainly not their best work but I thought it was a fairly solid effort. Definitely a few fun tracks in there that channel some "Akuma no Uta" energy.

    4. ghost


      @Joel - Yeah, it's amazing to see a band nearing 30 years of being active still putting out material that's worth listening to. There are so many bands that fizzle out within a few years.

  6. Vibe Check: panicky DnB rhythms and too much caffeine


    1. reminiscing2004


      contributing to panicky dnb thread


    2. ghost


      @reminiscing2004- nice! Thanks for the rec, this goes hard.

  7. On a The Pillows kick. I think I've listened to "Little Busters" through "Happy Bivouac" 3 times just today already.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ghost


      @YuyoDrift - No, I haven't yet. I kinda fell out of them around My Foot. What tracks would you recommend? 


      What'd you think about the reboot? I heard mixed reviews and haven't watched it yet.

    3. YuyoDrift


      The next 2 albums were along the same lines as My Foot but from Ooparts onward there was the feeling they ran out of that “oomph”. Their recent album (not Fool on Cool Generation) has some gems so it sounds like they have some more material (but it could have been for promoting the FLCL Sequels).


      The reboot(s) were actually a sequel series (progressive) and an alternative timeline (alternative) of the show (although fans theorize that they are within the same universe, idk).


      Imo, alternative was more the type of FLCL sequel than progressive, vibe-wise, but still, the 2 series just don’t hold a candle to the original. 

      Let me know what you think.

    4. ghost


      Ok, I might have to check that out then. I mean, they've been around since, like what, 1990? After 30 years of being active, it might be tough to keep things fresh 😅


      Ah, I kinda figured. Not many sequels do. It's interesting they decided to split it up into different timelines. I didn't know that was a part of the reboot. Maybe I'll give it a shot soon!

  8. Mark my words, this will be 2020's sleeper hit, and a few years from now people will start discovering this masterpiece:



    1. reminiscing2004


      Very cool. Thanks for sharing

  9. Just watched The Invisible Man (2020) and, meh...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jigsaw9


      The Invisible Man? Never seen 'em.


      *ba dum tss*

    3. ghost


      @YuyoDrift - I was excited for it because I've always enjoyed Leigh Whannel's past works. But like his other movies, there are things I really liked but it all just kind of fizzled out by the end. It wasn't terrible, but it just didn't feel solid enough.


      I'm actually looking forward to Candyman because Jordan Peele produced and co-wrote the script for it.  And I've thoroughly enjoyed both get out and us.

    4. ghost


      @Manabu - yeah that would've been interesting 🤔

  10. Any of ya'll just like to put on a live performance on while you do work? Honestly, I think it can be a refreshing break from that more polished studio sound.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rekzer


      I always do! I tend to enjoy live versions of songs most of the time.

    3. monkeybanana4


      Yup! Definitely agree. It feels nice hearing the raw emotions being played live while working.

    4. platy


      It actually helps me focus more than studio versions. It's always a bonus to have a mix of tracks from various releases as well. 

  11. Whoah, I see more colors got added to the MH rainbow

  12. Universe: hey, 2019 is almost over. What's that? You haven't had your heart broken all year?

    Universe: *inhales*

  13. I'm about to put nearly my entire jrock collection up for sale. A decade of items collected. Lots of rare stuff for early-mid 2000's vkei fans.

    1. xriko


      It's sad that you have to sell your collection. Except if it's because you don't want it anymore.

      But I'm in, if you have anything awoi related; or kansai-kei 2002/2005.

  14. Korean music used to be about the music:


    1. Bear


      It sure did. Same with Japanese music:



      Shame how it's turned out for both countries.

    2. YuyoDrift


      Korea’s is definitely more noticeable.


      It only took less than 10 years and that’s what makes me sick.

    3. ghost


      @Bear - Sure, sure. But, like Yuyo said, I just think there's a starker contrast between eras in Korean music history. There's at least a wide range of artists in Japanese music even today, but in the Korean music industry you don't see any psychedelic rock or metal bands or experimental musicians in the mainstream. And anything in the "indie" scene is still saturated with pop and hip-hop focused musicians, which is fine, but there's no room for diversity.

  15. But have ya'll heard of Yeule tho? Her new album bops:


  16. New Alcest album kicked my ass.

  17. This song gives me life:


  18. Anyone into strange Japonesque ambient music?:



  19. I found the new sub-forum I'll be burrowing into as my new home: MH².

    1. platy


      Welcome to @ghostland

  20. In the future when they have interactive dictionaries, you'll just see this video next to the word 'aesthetic':


    1. platy


      I love everything about her (except she doesn't release music that often :() 

    2. ghost


      Yaaas. I kno, really wish she'd release a full album D : I also wish I could be one of the extras in her videos. She seems like such a fun person.

  21. New Cult of Luna is absolutely phenomenal. Went right the fuck up into my top five 2019 releases.

    1. emmny


      Reminds me a lot of their older stuff...COL songs bleed together and thats my problem with em and this release is no different but I like what I heard. Will give it a few more plays before I figure it out

    2. ghost


      That's kind of why I like it though. It's one flawless listen that still manages to provide distinct moments. Although, I can see why people might find it repetitive.


      For me, the album started out okay, but when Nightwalkers came on, the album got really good and stayed that way till the end.

  22. Holy shit this album kicks ass. Always love a good female screamer:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ghost


      @CAT5 - I'm pretty behind the curve in the J-Indie scene 😂I feel like you probably already do, but have you heard of Otoboke Beaver? Another lovely J-Girl group. Their album/compilation that they dropped this year is in my top 2019 releases.

    3. colorful人生


      This has def. been plug'd or dub'd, probably by @CAT5 b/c I remember this. Otoboke Beaver is on Spotify, but Midori is region-locked so it's been a while since I've listened to her.


      If you want to crank the screaming/"vocal strain" up to 11 the whole song, akai kurage might be of interest.



    4. ghost


      Uhhhh yes please : )

  23. It's crazy how nowadays you can have a conversation with random people on social media solely using google translate, and you can understand each other nearly perfectly. This part of technology I'm actually pumped about.

    1. colorful人生


      Google lens is pretty wild when it comes to that. Additionally, emoji are brilliant ways to convey information very quickly (as pictograms generally are.) Yes, even the memes... 

  24. Someone just fell on me in the bus and we both shared this moment of, "uhhh did that just happen?" "It's all good bro"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ghost


      It was a guy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    3. SubThatSong


      Then it's the perfect BL story of "I'm not gay but this guy...." and the struggle to accept the feelings 😂

    4. ghost


      Lolol I hope I run into him again 😂 or rather...him into me

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