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Guest Magatsu

cologne sold also bad, they moved location.

But That's why I say... if we can get proof it will sell good for...

utrecht, cologne and Hamburg then maybe he want to buy dates from Torpedo.

but Torpedo does Germany for 100%

They normally don't ask Steff for it.

But still strange that Torpedo doesn't want to do NL themselves....

Did sold D and few other bands that bad?

Dus zolang er geen bewijs is dat Nederland goed zal verkopen dan is een datum via Steff zeer onwaarschijnlijk. logisch toch?

ik vroeg steff, ga je het doen?

maar hij heeft totaal geen vertrouwen dat het verkoopt, door de member change, members niet hot genoeg, bijna niemand spreekt er over.

Dus dan is het nogal logisch dat ik zeg, als we het via hem willen dat we met bewijs moeten komen dat mensen gaan. want anders doet hij het 100% niet.

wil je anders zijn bericht zien?

Juul zal hetzelfde zeggen... maar zij praat veel minder met Steff.

en ik zeg het ook omdat als we die band naar NL willen trekken dat we er 100% iets aan moeten doen dat we naar het concert zullen gaan.

EDIT: Sorry for the translation delay!

So till there is no proof that NL would sell good, then there won't be a date from Steff, that's kinda logical isn't?

I asked Steff, will you do this gig?

But he doesn't have any trust that it would sell good, because of member change, the members aren't that hot, and almost nobody is talking about this band anymore.

So isnt it logical if I say, if we wanna deathgaze via Steff that we need prove that we people from NL will show up at the gig, as so long we won't do such thing it will be 100% a no.

Maybe I should show you his message to me?

Juul would say the same, but she doesn't talk that much with Steff. (at least I think she will say the same)

And I always say it, because if we want this band to NL that we really should work on it for 100%.

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Eh no Juul would not say the same, but you obviously didn't read what I wrote.

Ehm nee Juul zegt niet hetzelfde, maar je hebt dus duidelijk niet gelezen wat ik heb getypt.



Torpedo's lives here (since Anli and Versailles) have always been in collaboration. D and Screw where with MusicJapanPlus.

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Guest Magatsu

Tja.. als je dan niks wilt doen om Steff te overthuigen dat het wel verkoopt...
of is dat zoooo verkeerd om te zeggen?
is dat zo raar?

Steff doet deathgaze niet.
Ik heb dat zwart op wit dat hij het niet doet.
tenminste zegt hij nou... van gedachte kan hij altijd nog veranderen, mocht hij er toch in geloven Steff kennende.

zoals toen met blackline... die zou hij eigenlijk ook niet doen.

maar denk maar wat je wilt. Ik ken Steff langer dan vandaag, chat veel met hem, ook over dit soort dingen.

verder weet ik niet wat je nog wilt horen? het is me niet echt duidelijk wat je nou van me wilt horen.

Plus het is eigenlijk van mij uit gewoon van.. als we deze band willen dan moeten wij fans gas geven om deze band zeker in NL te zien.

EDIT: English

So, it's really strange and wrong to say that we should proof to Steff that it would sell good?......

Steff doesn't want to do Deathgaze
He told me black on white.
At least that's what he told me, of course he can change his thoughts, because it already did happens that he did bring a band but telling before he won't do it.

Even then with BLACK LINE he actually didn't want to do it, oh and also in 2010 Calmando Qual to NL he actually wanted to skip NL. but we know that thing in 2010 got canceled.
And even this time with Calmando Qual he actually wanted to do only Cologne. (because of money reasons)
So his mind can change and we know it's also all about money. So if things change and he think Oh wait maybe I have good change to make money / won't lose money. then there are high possiblities that he will do it. But as a band as Deathgaze I think we fans should kinda show him that there is love and that we want the band.

But just think what you want, I know Steff already for a long while (of course Juul too), I chat lot's with him and we also talk about this kind of topics.
And I don't really know what you want what I tell? I read your text but it's not clear to me what I actually should tell you.

And it's actually also something to wake up fans to not just to sit down and wait if there maybe will be an NL date. But that we also gain our powers and try to collect so much fans as possible who would go.

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This year looks bit tight! If DEATHGAZE will perform July it could be a big CLASH with the Gazette and GLAY (also ALICE NINE have a 9th Anniverary this year and they have already annouced Court ''1. PSC could be unpreddictable in 2013 :D)


For me and most of you here should be OK to have them all in 2013! We never know when VK scene will die in Europe (Torpedo annoucmenet)


Keep rockin!

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Well I don't think so,since they're the only ones who actually announced the tour,and btw DEATHGAZE fans are mostly not the same people who would  attend Gazette concert,and also DEATHGAZE listeners are not only from visual kei fandom.

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First of all, there is still NO announcement for a gazette EU tour. They will play on a festival in russia, so they could also try an Asia tour. Or just go to that one festival and return. Whatever, still no announcement, that's the point!

But you shouldn't forget Diru, they will be coming probably through gan-shin. They will play in Austria and UK from 14th - 16th June (the same that goes for gazette goes also for Diru naturally)

With even these three bands (deathgaze, Dir en Grey and maybe gazette) it will be an eventful Jrock summer for Europe

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dates have been revealed:



no holland, FUCCCCKKK!! why do torpedo records hate holland so much=/ maybe going to Cologne then...

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Bummed about no NL date... But the London gig couldn't be more perfectly timed! Was gonna be in London that weekend anyway for the JLPT :)

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Guest Magatsu

I have to skip it.. haha.. it's not in the weekend at all (the cologne date).. and HPP will come at the same time. so...

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I'm so pissed than I can see red in my eyes! There is no Finland! I'm so disappointing and surprised because I thought Finland is country which they don't gonna skip..oh well..I see B7Klan's Facebook than there is lot of Finnish ppl who are surprised too and there is some ''bring Deathgaze to Finland project'' already so at least Finnish ppl gonna try get them there!

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Bummed about no NL date... But the London gig couldn't be more perfectly timed! Was gonna be in London that weekend anyway for the JLPT :)


Waaah, I missed the point that JLPT is held on the same day XD

Well, at least its close and there's no speaking exam so we can wear whatever we want XP

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Yeah indeed! Well the test is only 3 hours so I'm sure there'll be enough time to get to the venue. You're taking it too?

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Just wanted to chime in to tell you this; If you have any questions regarding the gig on 13/07/2013 in Austria feel free to send me a private message! The gig in Austria will happen on a Saturday and we'd be very happy to welcome guests from anywhere (all over the world!) - so if you need assistance just ask, no matter what question you have actually (I can help with traveling-info, with hotel/hostel-info and so on...). I'm promoting this local gig and I want everyone to be happy, so all of that service is free for you if you really want to attend the show ;)


over and out :P

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^ wow that is awesome actually!

Are you part of the event organizer that held this gig?

Or maybe working in Travel business since you can offer assistance?

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Yeah indeed! Well the test is only 3 hours so I'm sure there'll be enough time to get to the venue. You're taking it too?

Yes, so Deathgaze will be a well deserved treat afterwards XP

And Underworld is tiny so I don't really care if I'm at the front or not ;)

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